本文摘要:Uber has revealed that it is losing more than $1bn a year in China, amid fierce competition from local taxi-booking rival Didi Kuaidi.优步(Uber)透漏,面临来自中国微信软件、竞争对手滴滴慢的(Didi Kuaidi)的白热化竞争,优步每年在华亏损多达10亿美元。Uber has revealed that it is losing more than $1bn a year in China, amid fierce competition from local taxi-booking rival Didi Kuaidi.优步(Uber)透漏,面临来自中国微信软件、竞争对手滴滴慢的(Didi Kuaidi)的白热化竞争,优步每年在华亏损多达10亿美元。But chief executive Travis Kalanick insisted that Uber is in a better position than its Chinese rival because it is able to fund its losses, at least partly, by using profits from other countries.但优步首席执行官兹拉维斯愠灓尼克(Travis Kalanick)否认,优步的状况好于滴滴,因为优步需要通过利用来自其他国家的利润填补亏损,最少在一定程度上如此。“We’re profitable in the USA, but we’re losing over $1 billion a year in China,” Mr Kalanick told Canadian technology news site Betakit. “We have a fierce competitor that’s unprofitable in every city they exist in, but they’re buying up market share. I wish the world wasn’t that way.”“我们在美国是盈利的,但我们在中国每年亏损多达10亿美元,”卡兰尼克告诉他加拿大科技新闻网站Betakit,“我们于是以面对一个凶狠的竞争对手,在所有他们不存在的城市我们都没盈利,但他们于是以扔钱买入市场份额。我期望世界不是这个样子。
”Didi Kuaidi claimed that Mr Kalanick’s comments on its financial performance were “outright untrue”, and said that its business had reached break-even in more than half of the 400 Chinese cities in which it operates.滴滴慢的声称,卡兰尼克有关优步财务展现出的言论“几乎不实”,滴滴回应,在滴滴另设业务的400个中国城市中,多达一半已超过盈亏均衡。This new war of words underscores the fierce battle between the two companies in China, where they are both spending heavily on discounts and promotions in pursuit of market share. Uber plans to double the number of Chinese cities in which it operates by the end of this year to nearly 100.这场新的口水战突显出两家公司在中国的白热化竞争,为了夺回市场份额,它们都在优惠和广告宣传方面乘机开支。优步计划在今年年底之前将其开展业务的中国城市数量增加一倍,超过近100个。
Mr Kalanick’s comments also give an indication of the sums being spent. According to documents leaked to website The Information in January, Uber’s global losses grew to nearly $1bn in the first half of last year, nearly 50 per cent more than its full-year losses in 2014.卡兰尼克的言论还表明出有了优步已投放的资金规模。根据今年1月泄漏给网站The Information的文件,去年上半年,优步全球亏损减至近10亿美元,比2014年全年亏损高达近一半。
Uber declined to comment on the numbers, but Mr Kalanick told Betakit that the crucial difference between its business and Didi Kuaidi is its ability to offset China losses. Uber is the dominant taxi-booking company in most US markets and has pushed up revenues by increasing its booking fee and its commission in many US markets.优步拒绝接受就这些数据置评,但卡兰尼克告诉他Betakit,优步业务与滴滴的主要差异在于其抵销在华亏损的能力。优步在多数美国微信市场上占有统治者地位,并通过在美国很多市场提升叫车收费和佣金不断扩大收益。